Big Boggy National Wildlife Refuge
Big Boggy NWR, located in Matagorda County, is for the birds. Like Brazoria and San Bernard NWR, Big Boggy NWR refuge conserves key coastal wetlands for wintering waterfowl and migratory shore and water birds. Big Boggy NWR, established in 1983, is a 5,000 acre salt marsh sanctuary for coastal wildlife throughout the year.
Dressing Point Island, located off shore in East Matagorda Bay, is a prominent colonial bird rookery. It along with several other rookeries on the Texas coast, provides essential nesting habitats for the Brown Pelican which enabled the population to rebound from an endangered species status and is now a common feature on the Texas Coast. Roseate spoonbills, reddish egrets, and great blue herons nest among terns and gulls. With the continued expansion of the Aransas/Wood Buffalo Whooping Crane population, coastal marshes on Big Boggy and surrounding area are expected to provide habitat that will enable the endangered whooping crane population to continue to grow and eventually reach recovery status. Public Use Information Big Boggy NWR has limited access and is only open to the public for waterfowl hunting season and fishing in Boggy Creek. Fishing in Boggy Creek is available through access by boat from the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway. Waterfowl hunting is allowed in accordance with State seasons in two public waterfowl hunting areas. For hunting information, visit the Big Boggy hunting regulations web page and for other refuge information visit the Big Boggy NWR web page or contact the refuge office at 979-964-3639 |